Wednesday, May 9, 2007


Goodness, I really missed this Okonomiyaki.
Yoshiko san told me that she can make it and very good.
Last Sunday, we visited Kimono Sensei, Rikkiko.
She just came back from Japan and brought lots of beautiful kimonos.
We took a look and tried about couple.
Then, Yoshiko made some okonomiyaki with shrimp and squid..
Was OK.
I think the key ingredient is Donkatsu sauce and bonito.
Was O e shi.
Sensei had Japanese salad dressing "goma" and it was good too.
Yoshiko was funny.
"Do you want some Su-nak?"
That nobody understood what's Su-Nak?
She tried to say "snack."
Vi and I laughed a lot.
Masako san came later.. she looked very tired.
Good thing was we all laughed and had good time.

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