Monday, February 26, 2007

Thai Peanut sauce

4 ounces of freshly roasted (unsalted) peanuts.
4 cloves of garlic, chopped
1 ounce chopped onion
2 tablespoons red or Massaman curry paste
1 teaspoon fish sauce
8 tablespoons coconut milk
6 teaspoons lime juice (to taste).
3 teaspoons brown sugar.


First grind or crush the peanuts to a fairly fine powder. Then combine them with the remaining ingredients (except the lime juice), to form a smooth sauce. If the sauce is too thick, you can thin it with a little chicken stock. Now add the lime juice, tasting as you progress to check the balance of flavors is correct.

Note use red curry paste with beef or pork satay, Massaman with chicken. If you are doing shrimp satay then use half the quantity of Massaman paste.

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